Lollipop is an anime/manga discord bot which allows any user to search for an anime or a manga from the web and get the results on discord and has many features like fun roleplay commands, useful utility commands and other fun commands.
Anime/Manga/Character/User Search
Anime Strategy Game
Anime Trivia
Anime Roleplay
Reading Manga Chapters
To get an updated list of commands, invite lollipop into your server and use the /help command to get a list of all the commands.
If you want to get a specific description or usage explanation for a command, you can use the help command with a command argument like so: /help [command_name]
If you ever run into any errors or bugs, run the /support command in your discord server or join this support server
Lollipop is powered by Jikan API, Kawaii API,, Animechan API and MyAnimeList.